
Life as a P6 pupil at Buckstone PS

We feel as though our school helps us to learn in so many different ways, here are just some of them:

First, we have wonderful teachers that work hard to adapt lessons to match our individual needs. They are kind, helpful and creative. Then there is our classroom, we love our classroom, it has a big impact on our learning.  Our work is displayed, valued and we have a say in how it looks.. We have space to move around, and it has different sections where we can learn at our own pace. We create a class charter that looks at how we can be Ready, Respectful and Safe at school.  We have responsibilities and we are happy to have them! Everyone in our class feels part of a team and the Buckstone Team. A big part of Buckstone is feeling included and respected. This is what our school is all about and we all play our part to achieve this.

We strive to fulfil Buckstone’s Motto ‘RRS leads to Success’