P2MD Mrs McFarlane and Miss Davidson

P2M Blog 11.11.22

Here is a summary of our learning this week:


In literacy this week we have been learning the digraph sounds aw (crawl, paw) and au (Autumn, dinosaur). We have used the following image to help us to remember the sound.

We have continued to work on the tricky words block 4 and we have revised previous blocks. Please continue to work on these at home. We have noticed that most children are finding the word said a bit tricky.

In writing we are developing our skills to be able to write a story. Our focus is (as last week) beginning, middle and end. We have told the story of Owl babies.

Our handwriting focus was c and a in cursive.

At home:

  • Please continue to work on the tricky words. Your child should be able to read and write them. You could ask your child to write the words and sort them by number of letters on them.
  • Continue to work on the word walls from the ORT reading books that we sent home a few weeks ago.
  • Bedtime stories are a great way of spending time with your child and at the same time modelling reading and increasing your child’s vocabulary. If your home language is a different language, this is a good moment for your child to increase their home language rather than reading in English.
  • Find words with aw/au spelling in food labels at home.
  • Ask your child to read the reading book to you. Choose random pages or read the book from back to front. Ask questions about the book to ensure your child is developing comprehension skills.

Numeracy and Maths

In Maths we have continued to work on line of symmetry.

At Numeracy we have worked on counting backwards from 30 and addition skills to 20 using different strategies (number line, ten frames and counting on).

At home

  • Work on counting backwards from 30 starting and stopping at different points.


  • Symmetry games:


  • Please continue to work on number formation as we can see that some children continue to write number backwards or writing 12 instead of 21 ( 61/16,41/14, etc)

Other areas


In PE we have focused on under and over arm throws, jumping and coordination skills.

We also have worked on games to work on following instructions and sprints.


We have learned about a new habitat, the Rainforest. We have discussed how the panther chameleon adapts to the Rainforest.


We have been very busy creating our Christmas cards. These will be in your child’s purple folder today.

Here are some photos of firework art we created in the tuff tray and some symmetrical pictures made outside.


  • As mentioned above, your child will be taking home the Christmas card for you to order if you wish.
  • Next Tuesday we will have loose parts in the afternoon (weather permitting).
  • On Thursday afternoon we do a Mix up Thursday. This means that all the P2s learn together in both classes and in the communal area. All children are really enjoying this experience and it gives us teachers the opportunity to be involved in their play and plan next steps in their learning.
  • Please ensure your child brings a jacket every day to school.    
  • Thank you for your support in emptying the purple folders each day.     
  • A reminder to name all items of clothing and shoes, and to check names on items brought home in case your child accidentally acquires a jumper belonging to someone else.    
  • We would appreciate donations of any unwanted empty or partially used notebooks or diaries (used pages can be removed). Also, any enticing writing implements (i.e., glittery pencils/gel pens/ pencils with feathers etc – anything other than standard school issue type pencils/pens). The children enjoy choosing resources from the table to use in their independent learning.    
  • We are looking for small pieces of ‘junk’ for modelling e.g., toothpaste boxes, tea bag boxes, snack bar boxes. The more interesting shapes the better!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McFarlane