P1 Pandas

P1W reflective Friday 12.5.23

This week’s homework

  • revise all tricky words learned so far
  • count backwards. Pick a starting number (anything from 10 – 100 depending on the level of challenge you want) Count backwards for a few jumps. Then pick a new starting number.

Health week

This week has been ‘Health week’ and we have had so many exciting activities including sports day, a multisports session, a visit from Simon Says Dance, Scootathon and fruit tasting. In the classroom we have been learning to name the parts of our body, and discussing how to keep our bodies clean.

We read the story ‘ Miles is the boss of his own body


This week we have had a spelling test on our Block one tricky words and those taught from block two so far.

Our writing prompt this week was ‘ Sports day….’

We continue to use core reading book resources in school as we begin to develop developing the children’s reading comprehension skills, exploring the cognitive strategies of activating, inferring, monitoring/clarifying, questioning, searching/selecting, summarizing, and visualising.

Maths and numeracy

We have been continuing to revise and being assessed on some of our early arithmetical learning strategies. We focused on counting backwards from a given number, and naming the number before. This still proves a challenge for many pupils.

We also tried answering some written addition calculations as quickly as possible using recall of number facts.


Looking ahead to next week

Next week we have loose parts learning on Wednesday.

We are still welcoming donations of clean recycling for our stem area.

Please remember to return all reading books on Monday. We are still missing a few from the last two weeks and would appreciate if you could have a quick check at home for any outstanding returns. Thanks

Other areas of the curriculum

We have enjoyed watching our caterpillars grow bigger each day.

A reminder to please name all items of clothing and shoes, and to check names on items brought home in case your child accidentally acquires a jumper belonging to someone else.